Installing the Rhinoceros Log Grab

Starting with one of the buckets attached (standard bucket shown here)
Bucket on Boom

Remove the locking bolts from the end of the pins and drift out the pins from the bushes in the boom and hydraulic ram to enable the complete removal of the bucket and brackets/pivot assembly. Reassemble brackets/pivot assembly with pins and locking bolts/nuts on the bucket in order to prevent loosing any parts leaving you with the boom end and hydraulic ram looking like this.

Boom No Bucket
  • Place the log grab on the ground in front of the digger with the 3 prong part of the grab nearest the digger.
  • Remove the locking nuts/bolts from the pivot pins and hydraulic ram connecting pin and drift the pins out with drift and hammer.
  • Position the boom so that the pivot pin bush on the 3 prong part of the log grab is as close as possible to the bush on the underside of the boom.
  • Align the pivot pin bushes on the 3 prong part of the log grab with the bush on the underside of the boom and locate it with the pivot pin. Taking care to align the hole for the locking bolt. Secure with locking bolt.
  • Raise the boom so that the log grab is at a comfortable working height ie approx waist height.
  • Lift up the 2 prong part of the grab to align the hydraulic ram locating pin bushes on the grab with the bush in the end of the ram and locate it with the pin. Taking care to align the hole for the locking bolt. Secure with locking bolt.
  • You will find that there is sideways play in the linkage between the 2 halves of the grab and you will need to ease these links to one side or the other using either a large screwdriver or small pry bar to get the bushes to align.
  • Pivot the 2 prong part of the grab to get the pivot pin bushes aligned with the bush in the very end of the boom then drive in the pivot pin and secure with the locking bolt. Again you will need to ease the linkage between the 2 parts of the grab sideways to align the bushes.

    Work gloves recommended when handling the grab as there could be sharp edges.

Log Grab Installed

I would like to add a personal thanks to customer Neil F who created this page.